Saturday, October 19, 2019

Research and First Hand Reports re: Kurdish Crimes by Andrew Bostom and Nahren Anweya. Sent to Experts of Prominent Jewish and Non-Denominational Organizations

Jackson Richman
Washington Correspondent JNS and Jewish Website
Michael Makovsky 
CEO and President of JINSA
Mr. Schanzer 
Senior Vice President  of Foundation of Defense of Democracies

This information was also sent to
David Efune 
Editor-in-Chief Algemeiner
David Harris 
Chief Executive Officer AJC
Malcolm Hoenlein 
Executive Vice Chairman Conference of Presidents

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Kurds....not so innocent...(Neither are the Turks)..See What Nahren Anweya Assyrian Christian has to say about the Kurds...


Israel and the Trump Administration I hope,  seem to have the end goal of saving innocent lives from ISIS and IRAN. 

Basically, besides protecting ourselves by being proactive before the evil gets to our territory, we are engaged in fighting unadulterated evil, those who defy the 7 Noahide Laws by engaging in atrocities and crimes against humanity.

The 7 Noahide Laws: Universal Morality
What Are the Seven Noahide Laws?

It seems like the Kurds and Turks have their own agenda which sometimes kills the bad guys. However, anyone that empowers them must make it clear that the goal is eradicating evil and atrocities. If they too are complicit and engage in human war crimes themselves, they too must be held accountable. 

Nahren Anweya