Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Re: The Sixth Commemoration of the Yezidi Genocide - August 03, 2014 - August 03, 2020


Praying for Truth and Justice!

We must never forgive or forget atrocities against humanity. 

On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 10:19 PM Joe and Renanah Gemeiner <joenadren@gmail.com> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mirza Ismail <ezidis@gmail.comm
Date: Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 8:38 PM
Subject: The Sixth Commemoration of the Yezidi Genocide - August 03, 2014 - August 03, 2020
To: Joe & Renanah <joenadren@gmail.com>

The Sixth Commemoration of the Yezidi Genocide - August 03, 2014 - August 03, 2020

The Treachery and Betrayal Day by Barzani and his KRG Mafia!

Six years ago, on August 03, 2014, the Islamic State committed genocide against the Yezidis in the Shingal region, and three days later the ISIS also committed genocide against the Yezidis and Chaldo-Assyrian in the Nineveh Plain, where the Yezidis and Chaldo-Assyrians have lived for at least 7000 years. 
In Mid-June, 2014, the Asayish "Barzani's mafia organization" started their search in the Yezidis regions of Shingal and Nineveh Plain; collected Yezidis and Chaldo-Assyrians' weapons by force! the KRG and its mafia said that because the Iraqi government was defeated by ISIS; the Shingal and Nineveh Plain regions are now part of KRG. "The KRG peshmergas will protect you (the Yezidis) and you do not have to worry about ISIS, the KRG peshmergas won't let ISIS reach the Yezidis' areas unless they (ISIS) run over the bodies of peshmergas." However, in the late evening hours on August 2, 2014, the Yezidis heard gunshots and that the ISIS would attack them, then the Yezidis tried to flee to the Mount Shingal for safety many times till 10:00 pm, but the KRG peshmergas did not allow them to.
Nevertheless, when the ISIS entered the Yezidi region in the early morning hours on August 3, 2014, and started its brutal killing campaign; most of the KRG forces were already withdrawn from the Shingal region.  On the Northern side of the Mount Shingal, where the presence of some peshmergas was still there; the Yezidis asked the peshmergas for weapons to fight ISIS and protect their fellow Yezidis, but the KRG peshmergas refused to give any weapons to the Yezidis to fight against the ISIS and in fact, many Yezidis were killed by Barzani's peshmergas. I personally met with some of the victims' families who their sons and brothers were killed by Barzani forces.
The Yezidi genocide was preplanned by KRG, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, which was an agreement arranged between the ISIS leaders and Barzani's authority; the KRG hand the empty-handed Yezidis over to ISIS and ISIS doesn't attack Kirkuk and the above mentioned Muslim states who supported ISIS accept the Islamic State of Kurdistan for Barzani!"
Hence, the Yezidis with their hidden light AK47 rifles stood-up and fought against Islamic State terrorists for 4 - 5 hours until they ran out of ammunition, while other Yezidis were running towards Shingal Mountain for their life safety. Then the region overran and Islamic State terrorists killed more than 5000, this estimated by UN, but the Yezidis believe more than 10,000 were killed, including beheading and burial alive of hundreds of men, women, and children and also hundreds mostly young children, elderly and sick passed away of starvation and dehydration in Mount Shingal.  According to the escaped Yezidi girls and women, those I met in Northern Iraq, 7450 Yezidis were kidnapped, mostly young women and children, and currently, an estimated 2800 Yezidis are still missing and being held by former ISIS families in Iraq and Syria.  And the PKK terrorist organization has kidnapped hundreds of the Yezidi children and forced them into child-soldiers.

Our Demands:

1. Recognition of the Yezidi Genocide Officially by the UN 
    Permanent Security Council
2. Support an "Autonomous Region for the Yezidis and 
      Chaldo-Assyrian in Sinjar and Nineveh Plain under 
      International protection
3. Form a Rescue Team and liberate the remaining 2800 
     Yezidis held by ISIS families
4. We urgently demanding the Minister of Immigration 
     and Citizenship Canada to "Reunite the Yezidi children 
     with their mothers, sisters, and brothers in Canada
5. Put international pressure on the KRG and PKK to 
     "Stop their Kurdification Project in Yezidis regions and 
      oust the PKK from Mount Shingal
6. Liberate the Yezidi children from PKK
7. International Aid must be sent directly to Yezidis and 
     other affected groups, i.e.: not via the corrupted KRG 
8. We demand the UN order ISIS Perpetrators including 
     terror Barzani to ICC for their crimes against humanity 
      and human rights
# Barzani and his cohorts collaborated with ISIS in every way possible to destroy the Yezidis in Northern Iraq and Syria with international supports!
The Yezidi people are the Sun-Civilization and as long as Sun shines the World every day and God is still alive, no one can destroy the Yezidi people including terrorist Barzani and his cohorts!

God bless the souls of all Yezidi Martyrs

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Fwd: Plea for MP Genuis: Call for Canada and UN : Stop "Final Solution" for Yezidi Happening in their Homeland - Now!


Hi Michael,

Thank you for our discussion today where you explained why you marched peacefully with Dov Hikind in Solidarity with Blacks over the cruel murder of George Floyd.  Your sign read from Leviticus 19:17  "Don't Stand Idly by the Blood of Your Brother".

My comments  to you in our phone conversation today was that the overall justification  of the protests for George Floyd assumes a given of systemic racism and that we as a society must condemn it and protest.

This is a false assumption in my opinion and while bad cops exists and must be rooted out and addressed, this murder wasn't a matter of racism. It was a bad cop who apparently wasn't dismissed nor really disciplined in spite of 18 complaints against him and somehow was smug  along with the 3 other cops that he'd get away with it as the murder was being filmed. I believe it was a set up for them as well. Who knows what they actually thought at the time? Was it actual racism or some reward if they actually went ahead with it.  I think the possibility of this murder being orchestrated and premeditated by evil forces who wanted to provoke civil unrest and anarchy is something to investigate and that it was not simply a spur of the moment hate crime of a white cop against an innocent black man. 

The bad cop, Derek Chauvin's  life might actually  be in danger in jail. He must be carefully guarded by Federal guards 24/7, not only City and State guards and the investigation, all interrogations must be taped and transparency of these interrogations must be demanded. 

I did not march in Solidarity for George Floyd. On the other hand, I would March and have protested for the Yezidis. 

I set up a blog and wrote many letters to higher ups in the Trump administration or those who had some clout to do something to help the Yezidis slaves and protect their indigenous land and at the very least provide a safe haven for these persecuted people who clearly are the victims of crimes against humanity by ISIS who are protected by UN refugee camps alongside the Yezidis whom they enslave.

Their situation greatly paralells the Holocaust.

Why can't these Yezidis be granted asylum in America? It's a no brainer but the fact that this is still an issue leaves some blaring explanation!

BLM doesn't come close. BLM is infiltrated with those who could not care less about Black Lives as you do. Marching alongside this group sends the wrong message. Unfortunately, their message and agenda aren't in sync with your good hearted intentions. 

Sincerely, Robin

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Joe and Renanah Gemeiner <joenadren@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 16, 2020, 8:12 AM
Subject: Plea for MP Genuis: Call for Canada and UN : Stop "Final Solution" for Yezidi Happening in their Homeland - Now!
To: Mirza Ismail, Amanda Achtman, Marsha, Robin Ticker, Joe and Renanah Gemeiner

Hello Amanda and MP Genuis,

My understanding of the situation is as follows.   Any errors are mine and would not change the main information I have presented and can be corrected by Sheik Mirza:
I send this emergency letter now because it is crucial to inform you and MP Genuis immediately as the bombing took place yesterday. 

 Over the last 700 years the indigenous land of the Yezidi has been increasingly occupied through massacre and enslavement  by Jihadist forces, mainly Kurdish.
In the last century, this occupation has extended into Iraq.  Yezidi were forced from their villages to be replaced by Muslims.  Kurdish forces have partned with other Jihadist including wth ISIS in th 2014 Genocide.. Kurdish forces have recently taken over most of the remaining Yezidi land in the Yezidi  holy Mt. Sinjra.   Western powers (I have to clarify what Sheik Mirza told me i.s. if it is  the US or others as well as the US)  have supported and armed the KRG Kurds.  The KRG  are closely allied with the Turkish Kurdish group called the PKK who are designated as a terrorist organization. 
The Kurdish  PKK are well armed and have built tunnels and places to hide  underground in Mt. Sinjra.  

From their training grounds in Mt. Sinjra, the PKK launch terrorist raids into Turkey.  Turkey then bombs Mt. Sinjar but the PKK are able to hide and instead the Yeizids are killed.  The Yezidi are unable to find protection because no one will give them arms. Their money, land and people were raped in the most recent Genocide, and any arms they had were foribly taken from them by  Kurdish forces just prior to the ISIS attack of 2014.

The gaol is to keep the Yezid Survivors of the 2014 Genocide who have been suffering in Moslem run camps where they are abused and oppressed -  from returning to their ancestral home in Mt. Sinjar. Very recently 60 -70 Ywezidi families have left the camps to  return to Mt. Siinjar .  They say they would rather die in their homeland than sustain the abuse from the Moslem Kurds running the camps!  .    The Kurdish Occupation forces  have stopped them at check- points, holding them up for long periods of time in the great heat. 

And then suddenly there are Turksh bombs on Mt. Sinjar yesterday as you can see in Sheik Mirza's correspondence which you may have received already.  Many feel that the Turks, Kurds  - both the KRG and PKK , the Iraq government, the US and other powers are together in supporting the  gradual Jihad and occupation of the Yezidi  oil rich land in Mt. Sinjar!

We are pleading with you MK Genius to stand up to stop this Holocaust which has been rushing towards a Final Solution befofe your very eyes.  

You who understand the Holocaust realize that no one was prepared to stopped it.   It was the end of the  war that brought the Allies to the doors of the camps which they then

We are asking YOU to demand of the Canadian Parliament that Canada call for the end of ALL foreign occupation in Mt. Sinjar - i.e.the Kurdish forces and others.  The Yezidi need to be able to return to their Homeland and they need to have the arms to protect themselves in their Homeland as they can rely ONLY on themselves for their protection.

On a more individual note regarding this ongoing Genocide, I plan to send you another brief note regarding two young Yezidi surivors who have escaped slavery and whose suriving relatives are in Canada. 

(I can be reached by email after 5:00 p.m. )

Monday, March 2, 2020

Link to PDF of Canadian MPs letter to Iraqi ambassador on behalf of the Yezidi People


Dear Former Governor Mike Huckabee, Dr. Frager and Rabbi Potasnik,

Can we get a similar letter signed by Members of United States Congress both from the House of Representatives and from the Senate?

If this miscarriage of Justice is allowed to happen in Iraq, it is a clear sign to all that ISIS is not defeated and this further atrocity will surely empower them. 

Letter to the Ambassador to Iraq from Canadian Members of Parliament on behalf of  Yezidi Khalid Shamo Sarhan sentenced to death. 

Is this happenstance that his date of execution coincides with 2 days before Tisha B'av, the day we mourn the destruction of the 2 Temples, the Holocaust and the Yezidi genocide.

Letter March 2019 to Secretary of State Pompeo from Yezidi Human Rights International Organization (YHROI)

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020, 7:42 PM Joe and Renanah Gemeiner <joenadren@gmail.com> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Amanda Achtman <amanda.achtman@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 6:39 PM
Subject: PDF of MPs letter to Iraqi ambassador
To: ezidis@gmail.com <ezidis@gmail.com>
Cc: joenadren@gmail.com <joenadren@gmail.com>

Hi Mirza,
(See Letter of Canadian Members of Parliament, link above)


"To be a man is, precisely, to be responsible. It is to feel shame at the sight of what seems to be unmerited misery. It is to take pride in a victory won by one's comrades. It is to feel, when setting one's stone, that one is contributing to the building of the world." – Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Fwd: Injustice against the young Yezidi man (Khaled Shamo Sarhan) by the Iraqi court in Mosul

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mirza Ismail <ezidis@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 8:41 PM
Subject: RE: Injustice against the young Yezidi man (Khaled Shamo Sarhan) by the Iraqi court in Mosul
To: Dr. Wadee Al Batti <wadee.batti@mofa.gov.iq>
Cc: <Garnett.Genuis@parl.gc.ca>, Michelle Rempel <Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca>, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry <ne01ima@mail.house.gov>, Andrew Scheer <andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, Chris Chapmabn <chris.chapman@amnesty.org>, PIERO A. TOZZI <piero.tozzi@mail.house.gov>, Michael Parsa MPP <michael.parsaco@pc.ola.org>, Knox Thames <Thamesk@state.gov>, R. Allos <r@allos.ca>, Joe & Renanah <joenadren@gmail.com>, "Michael Levitt" <Michael.Levitt@parl.gc.ca>, Peter Kent <peter.kent@parl.gc.ca>, Aris Babikian <aris.babikian@pc.ola.org>, Armen Yeganian <a.yeganian@mfa.am>, "James Bezan" <james.bezan@parl.gc.ca>

Yezidi Human Rights Organization-International (YHROI)   www.yezidihumanrights.org   info@yezidihumanrights.org  1-416-843-7973

His Excellency Dr. Wadee Al-Batti

Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq 

215 McLeod Street

Ottawa, ON  K2P 0Z8

Mr. Ambassador Wadee,


I am writing to you in regard to the young Yezidi man named Mr. Khaled Shamo Sarhan, who has been given a death sentence by the court in Mosul.  On August 03, 2017, Mr. Faris Nawaf Mohammed, who was Kurdish from the Gergeri clan was killed and his colleague Mr. Khuther Aziz Hussein was injured on the Iraqi – Syrian border and now he is the witness against the Yezidi man Khaled Shamo Sarhan.  These two men were smuggling ISIS fighters from Syria into Iraq to annihilate the indigenous Yezidis and topple the Iraqi government.  Two months later, on October 06, 2017, the KRG police arrested Mr. Khaled Shamo Sarhan from the Qadia IDP camp at the base of Zakho mountain and accused him of murdering Mr. Faris Nawaf Mohammed and transferred him to Zummar district, where the Kurdish Gergeri reside and then transferred Mr. Khaled Shamo Sarhan to Tel-Kaif North of the Mosul city and imprisoned there since then. 

However, few days ago Mr. Khaled Shamo Sarhan "The victim of genocide" was given death sentence by a Kurdish Judge named Jamal Dawod Qaro from the Kejala clan from Sinjar region, who was affiliated with Al-Qaeda terrorist organization and then affiliated with ISIS and now he is a judge in Mosul and the other Kurdish man who is supporting the case is Mr. Mahdi Saleh Sulayman and who is also from the Kurdish Kejala clan; he is also a security officer in Mosul; over 90% of Sunnis Muslims, (Arabs, Turkmen, Khatonis and the Kejala Kurds in particular) were affiliated with Al-Qaeda terrorist organization and after Al-Qaeda was replaced by ISIS then the Kejala joined up with ISIS tried their best to destroy the Yezidis in 2007 and 2014.

 Unfortunately, the Iraqi government is not a functioning government, otherwise, the government would punish those who were and still are affiliated and supporting terrorist activities against the indigenous Yezidis, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs and not given an important position in the government such as judges and military officers.  "In what World has anyone seen an Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorist affiliated judge give a death sentence to a victim of genocide?"  KRG and Iraqi government may be able to silence the Yezidis in Iraq, but the Yezidis outside of Iraq will spread all the injustices by the Iraqi and KRG all over the World, Barzani won't be able to stop us here in the West!  

Nevertheless, the Yezidi victim (Khaled Shamo Sarhan) has 76 witnesses including several Kurdish Muslim, who participated in the third anniversary of the Yezidi genocide that on the day that Mr. Faris Nawaf Mohammed was killed on Iraqi-Syrian border, which was August 03, 2017, Khaled was among thousands of other Yezidis commemorating the third anniversary of the Yezidi genocide in his Qadia IDP camp in the province of Dohuk.  The judge Qaro ignored all Yezidi witnesses but believed a mute and injured ISIS-affiliated witness (Khuther Aziz Hussein) who was smuggling ISIS fighters from Syria into Iraq!

Hence, we are demanding and asking your excellency to urgently contact the Iraqi president and Iraqi government officials to immediately free Mr. Khaled Shamo Sarhan and he must be fully compensated for the suffering that Mr. Khaled faced in the prison by the security personnel/police who were affiliated with ISIS!




Yours very truly,


Mirza Ismail

President and Founder

v Human Rights Organization – International

