Thursday, August 1, 2019

Video of President Trump's exchange with Yazidi Nobel Prize Winner Nadia Murad. Months of Abuse Did Not Silence Nadia Murad. Ms Magazine.


On July, 17, 2019, on International Justice Day, along with over 20 victims of religious persecution, Yazidi survivor Nadia Murad visited the White House.

This video clip of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Nadia Murad meeting with the President is incredible (even though the author Rachel Kennedy of this Ms. Post didn't see it that way)

President Trump was extremely attentive, empathetic and said he would look into her cries for help. She reminded me of Queen Esther pleading for her people.

My impression of this video was that President Trump was sincere and will therefore support and encourage any mission to help the Yazidis!

Nadia Murad mentioned that ISIS has yet to to be brought to justice and that she and all the Yazidi are still in grave danger, now even though she is technically "free".

She said that the refugee camps are dangerous for Yazidis

She said that Yazidis have no safe haven as Iraqi and Kurds forces have  taken over their land. 

And that here are still over 3000 Yazidi enslaved. 

We can deduce for all practical purposes ISIS is still alive.

Kurds have not been held accountable for being complicit in the Yazidi Genocides (more than one).  Today as well, they are complicit in ongoing atrocities against the Yazidis. 

Are members of ISIS embedded in these Coalition forces, receiving American funding only to continue to perpetrate the most heinous of crimes against humanity.

It does seem to me from this video clip that  President Trump is under the false impression that there is no ISIS. 

The reality of what Nadia Murad is saying, with first hand knowledge of facts on the ground, is that ISIS  has simply morphed into other Ethnic Muslim groups with the same sinister agenda of rape and massacre and torture and  therefore have not really been defeated.

How can this author Rachel Kennedy assume that Trump wasn't attentive? ...because he didn't make eye contact? Can't someone be attentive without eye contact and fake attentiveness with eye contact? 

The enormity of the atrocities towards her immediate family was clearly hard to digest. It's not that President Trump didn't care. It's because instinctively from the horror of it all, President Trump didn't want to believe it was true because he knew he had to take action now that it was on his shoulders.  Once he digested what she was saying, President Trump said he'll look into it. Who envies or can even be critical of President Trump understanding the full weight of what lies on his shoulders to fight this evil?

From my take on this video, Nadia Murad felt President Trump was being extremely attentive because she was pleading for her people in the most genuine way possible.

The horrible anti-Trump slant Ms' author Rachel Kennedy put on this exchange is clearly a reflection of the anti Trump "Movement" of Ms Magazine. 

They clearly are interested in blackening the President's name and motives, for their own nefarious agenda and they are  another media front of Democratic progressive leftist politics.

Action and time will be the real test of President Trump's attentiveness to Nadia Murad.

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